3 ★

Small Wonder Nursery School, Rohini, New Delhi

icon G-18/47, Sector 15
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About School
The Small Wonder Play School has been in existence for two decades and has believed in imparting quality education since the start. It has a highly experienced staff which has been with the school since the time that it was founded. The Small Wonder School boasts of a strong alumni base of over 2000 students and an innovative curriculum that incites interactive and fun learning where children are admitted from an early age to ensure a firm foundation for a bright future. To warrant personal attention to every student, the school maintains a 1:10 teacher- student ratio. The Small Wonder School provides many facilities such as 24 hour CCTV surveillance to children. There are state of the art teaching aids and a bright and colourful infrastructure which is tailor-made for kids. With the help of unconventional teaching methods, emphasis on creativity and audio visual aids like computers and television, Small Wonder Play School provides an ideal environment for a child to develop in. It not only provides age appropriate education to the children but also gives them ample ways of having fun and expressing their creative side. The school also has a play pan with swings, see-saw, slides and other things like jungle-gym, Legos, ball pool and an in-house splash pool. It allows students to participate in activities like ‘paint the wall’ and ‘messy day’ to let them have a dash of fun. Yearlong activities are planned by the staff to keep the students involved and on their toes at all times to keep their creative juices flowing. Students here, are taught not just about the set curriculum but are also encouraged and taught about the various moral values, traditions and culture of our country. Through various activities and events organized in school, students are taught about the importance of values like sharing and caring for each other and are also encouraged to know more about the various festivals and days celebrated around the country hence enhancing a feeling of belongingness and patriotism towards the country.
Principal Message

The founder of the school, Mrs. Veenu Sachdeva has been in the field of education for many years and firmly believes that children are not possessions but possessors of great talent and limitless opportunities and all that is needed is to provide them with a platform to express themselves and showcase all that they can achieve. She believes in giving the children a healthy and appropriate place to the children to help them blossom into wonderful human beings. The school believes in respecting the children, who are the future and will soon lead and be the driving force of changes in every aspect of life. The Small Wonder School believes in helping children become well rounded personalities filled with confidence and enthusiasm for the future. As is rightly said, ‘ It takes a big heart to shape a little mind,’ the Founder Principal of The Small Wonder Play School, Mrs. Veenu Sachdeva is a truly caring and loving human being who firmly believes that every child is truly special. She feels that children are extremely pure and pristine and their innocence, care freeness and curiosity has too much to offer to the world that adults often forget in the due course of growing up. She loves all the students dearly and feels that we as individuals can learn a lot from them. She ensures that the children get the best of everything so that they can unravel their untapped potential and develop as moral, sensitive, intellectual and happy individuals through methods of holistic development and wishes that they have a bright and successful future. ‘Our fingerprints never fade from the lives we have touched'. The Small Wonder Play School wishes to touch more lives, to shape these gems and nurture and channelize their potential in the right directions in order to help them evolve in every possible aspect.

Principal, Small Wonder Nursery School

Our Ratings
3 out of 5
Frequently asked questions
How can I seek admission at Small Wonder Nursery School for my child?
Which age is best for sending the child to Small Wonder Nursery School?