3.4 ★

Gurusharan Convent, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi

icon GH-9, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110087
Talk to us
About School
OUR VISION & MISSION Education has a very wide connotation. Gurusharan Convent seeks to work for the total development of the young. They are helped to discover their innate God given talents and work towards their optimum potential in order to place them at the service of society. It seeks to enable the young to search for the truth by training them to analyse reality, form critical judgements, search for solutions and work out a synthesis. It provides a safe, pleasant and stimulating environment for the students, while fostering an atmosphere of co- operation, concern and tolerance within the classroom and the wider community of the school. It also aims to promote and encourage positive attitudes and good behaviour among the pupils. The school tries to create clear and positive links with parents, where they know they can approach the authorities for a prompt and positive action. At the start of the school year, a calendar with key events highlighted, is issued to each student to enable the smooth functioning of the academic year . OUR PRIORITIES PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SPECIALIST TEACHING BEST INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT MORAL VALUES WE ARE ALWAYS AHEAD PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FOR YOUR FUTURE.
OUR VALUES At Gurusharan Convent we constantly endeavour to move away from the darkness to light. Through years of persistence, dedication and sustained efforts, our actions ensure an adequete number opportunities are provided to all who enter our rolls. Structured avenues for expresssion allow our students to express themselves as individuals, while inculcating a grounded value system that has been promulgated for generations. Reinforcing these beliefs the school's value systems are based on principles of sound moral character, commitment to a righteous cause which is achieved through consistency in our actions. OUR CORE VALUES INTEGRITY RESPECT TOLERANCE CREATIVITY CMMITMENT ENTHUSIASM WE ARE ALWAYS AHEAD PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FOR YOUR FUTURE.
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Principal Message

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK A vision to see the higher goals! A desire to reach the apex! A strong wish in mind! A dream to accomplish! Strong determination! Intense dedication! Sincere effort! These all are the stepping stones to “success”. Success is all about waking up and making an attempt to move ahead with desire and passion. Students are being motivated to understand that dexterity, perseverance and ambitions are the yardsticks of success. Success at the cost of moral degradation........ Certainly not. Our school is laying a strong foundation by imparting roots of responsibility and wings of independence to students. Education today not only aims at churning out success stories but also endeavours to make our students sensitive and humane to reach out to others in need of help with a compassionate heart. Students are being groomed to lend their support to social causes, to decide correctly and to live up to their decisions fearlessly. “Try not to become a man of success only, but rather try to become a man of success with values” As the years pass by, the ‘Education System’ is experiencing tremendous changes in its execution and evaluation but our intrinsic values and principles which lay the foundation to this education system remain unchanged, unaltered and strong. The CBSE has also fostered a lot of changes in the evaluation system with the aim to build in children the capacity of the spirit of enquiry and creativity along with entrepreneurial and moral leadership. Global citizens are the need of the hour those who would march ahead with the mission to dissolve problems affecting world peace and spin the world into oneness. Dear students, imbibe this success mantra and go ahead, the sky is the limit. Fight the life’s battle successfully by being fearless, with confidence, positive attitude, right aptitude and with determined and concentrated efforts. Change your attitude and see every difficulty as an opportunity. Don’t go with the flow of life, but give direction to your life. “May the sapling grow into a sturdy tree and spread its branches”.

Mrs. Rachna Anand

Principal, Gurusharan Convent

Programs offered
Primary Curriculum

Classes I-V As per the CBSE guidelines, there will be a comprehensive and continuous evaluation of the students throughout the year. There will be 3 evaluations in the academic year. Evaluation I- August Evaluation II- November Evaluation III- February- March (Weekly tests in all the subjects) Assessments will include skills as reading, comprehension, recitation, projects/activities, mental ability, environmental sensitivity. The academic performance will be shown in the form of grades on a 9 point scale (A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D,E1 & E2) for all subjects. Minimum grade required to qualify for promotion to the next class is ‘D’ in each subject in each category.

Secondary School Curriculum

Classes VI-X will be assessed as per the scheme outlined by CBSE. The details are available on the school website: www.gurusharanconvent.com Parents are strongly advised not to send children to school if they are suffering from a stomach upset, fever or an infectious disease just because the class is having a test/examination. However, a serious view will be taken of those students who regularly absent themselves from unit tests. No unit test or exam will be conducted for absentees. Students found using unfair means during any unit test or Terminal/Final Examination will be marked zero in that subject. They will also not be eligible for any academic award or the student council. Serious action can be taken against a repetitive defaulter. The Pre-board Examination is compulsory for Class X and Class XII and will be conducted on the board pattern. Every student must take these and get a pass percentage in all five subjects, if he/she has to be declared fit for the Board Examination. Attendance: As per the CBSE circular in September 2008, 75% attendance during the academic year is required and no relaxation of any kind will be granted to a student who does not fulfill the school as well as the Board requirements. Absence form test is one or more subjects involves the loss of grades in the subjects and debars the student from prizes and other awards.

School Features

SPORTS We at Gurusharan Convent provides numerous opportunities to students during their study to develop and nurture talents be it in sport, music, film making, mountaineering etc. We encourage our students to follow their passions and to be bold and confident to go after what they wish to achieve. Our studentshave been national champions in Table-Tennis & Badminton, Additionally, we have had consistent winners in the C.B.S.E. cluster, Zonal and National Championships in these sports as well as in various Martial Arts. The Annual Sports Meet is a grand inter house event which provides an opportunity to the all students to showcase their talent, sporting abilities physical fitness while emphasising the mantras of team spirit, communication, discipline and leadership; all.


The school is reputed for excellence in Debates, Quizzing, Drama, Public Speaking, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dance, and Art & Craft. Through Spic Macay, the students are regularly exposed to Indian Classical Dance and Music performances which is to make them more aware of their heritage. The school is reputed for excellence in Debates, Quizzing, Drama, Public Speaking, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dance, and Art & Craft. Through Spic Macay, the students are regularly exposed to Indian Classical Dance and Music performances which is to make them more aware of their heritage.

School Club
School Club

We at Gurusharan Convent provides numerous opportunities to students during their study to develop and nurture talents be it in sport, music, film making, mountaineering etc. We encourage our students to follow their passions and to be bold and confident to go after what they wish to achieve. Confidence building is just as crucial to overall success as good grades and we hope to inspire all our students to leave as fully developed, well rounded young adults upon their graduation from the school....


The school is reputed for excellence in Debates, Quizzing, Drama, Public Speaking, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dance, and Art & Craft. Through Spic Macay, the students are regularly exposed to Indian Classical Dance and Music performances which is to make them more aware of their heritage. The school is reputed for excellence in Debates, Quizzing, Drama, Public Speaking, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dance, and Art & Craft. Through Spic Macay, the students are regularly exposed to Indian Classical Dance and Music performances which is to make them more aware of their heritage.

Parent-teacher Association
Parent-teacher Association

Educational success is partnership between the school and the parents. Only mutual support of one community (school) to another (Parents) is necessary to ensure that student development is maximised. Cross communication, open dialogue and increased transparency between schools and parents is imperative toward to the continuous and comprehensive development of all students. Through the school diary, texts, emails, phone calls and the school website; we try and ensure that there is no delay or lapse in communication. OUR PRIORITIES PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SPECIALIST TEACHING BEST INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT MORAL VALUES

Community Service
Community Service

We at Gurusharan Convent School believe children to be the most important asset of the nation and aim to equip them with knowledge and skills that will help them grow into productive and capable citizens. In keeping with the view, the Counseling and Community Service Department of the School undertakes the following: In keeping with the view, the Counseling and Community Service Department of the School undertakes the following: 1. School Counselors focus on mental health, interpersonal relationships, social adjustment, academic preparation and career planning of the students. This is done through individual or group Counseling sessions. 2. Sessions and Workshops are done to promote gender sensitization to bring awareness of gender equality among students. 3. A complaint box is accessible to all and has helped informally to know the grievances of students for prompt action. 4. Workshops on best teaching practices are conducted to improve the teaching techniques. 5. School Counselors are also involved in identification of Children with Special Needs. After identification, they work in collaboration with parents, teachers and administrators to plan intervention and remediation program for these children. 6. The Counselors hold regular meetings with parents to apprise them of any concerns or to take feedback of the Counseling sessions.

School Transport
School Transport

Students can avail the School Transport subject to the availability of seats. The routes of the school buses are drawn up and the parents should consult the school transport incharge for necessary details. BUS RULES: 1. All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stops at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus. 2. The buses will not wait for late-comers. 3. The children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives. 4. No student should come near entry door of the bus until it has come to a halt. 5. All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses. 6. The front door of the bus is the only authorised entrance and exit. 7. The drivers are authorised to stop buses at the designated stops only unless directed otherwise by the bus-teacher. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is always subject to change. 8. When the bus is in motion, students must not move around in the bus and any part of their body should not be outside the bus. 9. Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus. 10. Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or vandalism.

News & Events
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    How to stop being distracted by your mobile phone? Mobile phones have become a valuable asset for each one of us. If we talk about benefits, mobile phones have many. Talking about the uses, it helps you remain connected with your loved ones and also keeps you updated to the things happening around you. Seeing the positive effects, the negative ones are often ignored. Using mobile phones is not wrong, but being addicted to it can lead to various health problems. Excessive use of mobile phones can affect children as well as adults. It degrades your child’s development and family relations as well. Gurusharan Convent School focuses on the overall well being of its students be it mental or physical. In this blog, we will help you find the best ways to stop being distracted by your mobile phone. Let’s look at the major pointers which will help you manage the usage of your phones. Usage of internet: Internet keeps you updated. But using it excessively can distract you in one way or another. You might use it to study online but eventually you end up on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and what not. Since, these apps are just a click away; you get tempted by any notification that pops up. Hence, before you start studying make sure that you turn off your internet and put the phone aside. Begin your studying with a goal to complete a certain topic within a particular time limit. Focus on what is more important rather than surfing on social media. Kick your mobile phones out of bed: Don’t make your mobile phones a necessity. By necessity, we mean, don’t make it the last thing in the night or the first thing in the morning for you to see. This will demote your health both mentally and physically. Feeding yourself with negative thoughts in the night or early morning will leave you demotivated and incapable of your daily schedule. Use your mobile phones effectively but not unnecessarily. Maintain a schedule: Keep yourself busy with a regular schedule. Scheduling up things and concentrating on them will keep you more attentive and focused. This will improve your abilities and make you capable of achieving your goals. Maintaining a schedule will ultimately lessen the use of your mobile phones. You can also organize a weekly planner and keep a check on your to-do list. Mark important dates in the calendar and begin with your schedule. Convent school in Paschim Vihar helps the students maintain a regular schedule which keeps them motivated in order to attain their goals. Silent mode: Place your phone on silent mode and study efficiently. This will keep undisturbed while you accomplish your goals. You can always take a mini break and look for important messages in between. These mini breaks can also be converted into mini power naps which will keep you energized and fresh throughout your studies. Ignoring messages and calls can be difficult but keeping it on silent mode will keep you unaware of the things happening around you. Physical games v/s digital games: We all love online and digital games. These games can be played only by downloading them on your mobile phones. You may see this as stress relieving but it indirectly makes your brain more occupied. Instead of online games one should opt for physical games or activities. This can be a walk to your nearby park or just regular exercise which will release muscle tensions. Play school in Paschim Vihar makes its students understand the importance of physical activities. Opting for physical activities can release stress and make you fresh for your next study session.
Our Ratings
3.4 out of 5
What our parents think about us
  • greenQuotes
    (4.8 ★) Janak Dulari ...Parents of Himanshu Ranjan Jha (EWS)
  • greenQuotes
    (2.3 ★) Jyoti
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Balbir Yadav ...Parents of Aryan Yadav
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    (2.4 ★) J.K.Atal ...Parents of Hemakshi
  • greenQuotes
    worst school 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
    (1.4 ★) Heera Devi ...Parents of Ranjeet
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    (5 ★) manju joshi
  • greenQuotes
    (4.2 ★) Pranav Sharma ...Parents of Aryan Sharma
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    (1.7 ★) Quereshi Begum ...Parents of Abesh
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    (3.3 ★) Aman shokeen ...Parents of Aman
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Tina Kapoor ...Parents of Khwahish Kapoor
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Hitender Kumar
  • greenQuotes
    (2.1 ★) AlKa ...Parents of Jai (EWS)
  • greenQuotes
    (1 ★) Raj Kumar Aggarwal
  • greenQuotes
    (3.7 ★) TIna ...Parents of Ishika Singh
  • greenQuotes
    (1.9 ★) Manoj Kumar Yadav ...Parents of Yash Yadav
  • greenQuotes
    (4.4 ★) Meena ...Parents of Sagar (EWS)
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Yashpreet Kaur ...Parents of Prabhjot Singh
  • greenQuotes
    (2.9 ★) Anshul verma ...Parents of Anshul Verma
  • greenQuotes
    (3.7 ★) Abhinav Upadhyay ...Parents of Avishi
  • greenQuotes
    (3.5 ★) Mansi Bansal ...Parents of Leisha Bansal
  • greenQuotes
    (3.8 ★) Heena Khan ...Parents of Abrar Khan
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    (3.2 ★) Pankaj Gupta ...Parents of Prachi
  • greenQuotes
    (4.3 ★) Mohini Tanwer
  • greenQuotes
    (3.9 ★) Satya Prakash
  • greenQuotes
    (4.1 ★) Hariti ...Parents of Hariti Dawar
  • greenQuotes
    (3.9 ★) Gopal Krishan ...Parents of Tejveer
  • greenQuotes
    (4.2 ★) Prabjot Kaur
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Dhruv. ...Parents of Dhruv
  • greenQuotes
    (2 ★) Kamal Sharma ...Parents of Aarav Bhardwaj
  • greenQuotes
    everything is very bad there is no education system in this school all teahers just neeed rumors and no proof about any child about anything i just hate this school
    (0.5 ★) Sunil Arora ...Parents of Laksh Arora
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Ashok Yadav
  • greenQuotes
    (5 ★) Hardev Singh ...Parents of Kirat Singh
  • greenQuotes
    (1.2 ★) Sachin Shokeen ...Parents of Eshita Shokeen
  • greenQuotes
    (1.6 ★) Birendra Kumar ...Parents of Manav Kumar
Frequently asked questions
What are the hours of operation for Gurusharan Convent?
Where is the Gurusharan Convent located?
What are the various modes of payment accepted at Gurusharan Convent?
Is there daycare facility available at Gurusharan Convent?
Is there a Transport facility available at Gurusharan Convent?
What is the fee structure of Gurusharan Convent?
What are the facilities available at Gurusharan Convent?
How can I seek admission at Gurusharan Convent for my child?
Which age is best for sending the child to Gurusharan Convent?